>Motivating Students in English Language Teaching



The statement about learning in general, that it “never takes place in vacuum  is even more true in the language class. When it comes to creating a classroom climate for language learning. Williams and Burden point to three levels of influence: national and cultural influences on the language being learning, the education system where the language is being learned, and the immediate classroom environment. Influences on the language being learned are already determined, as is the education system. 
However, teachers do influence the classroom environment by motivating unmotivated students. There are many ways in which students can be off task. They fail to take part by sitting in silence, they distract other students by talking off the topic, and they provide “non language” entertainment. All of these call for the teacher management skills. Even taking into account differences from class to class, teachers of a range of learners and subjects that they can make a difference, as the examples that follow show. In language learning, motivation is more specific than in content-based subject. The history teacher can motivate students to take an interest in the subject, but the language teacher is looking for more than interest. Language is a skill, and a skill needs to be apply, not just stored in the head or admired at this time.
Teachers encourage language use trough both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Some students have strong intrinsic motivation; they know the benefits of learning a particular language. Others need to be reminded of where success could lead. For example, in societies where studying literature is an important part of the education system, teachers emphasize the benefits of being able to read English poetry, short stories, and novels and the original. 
Extrinsic motivation can come through rewards teachers supply interesting additional reading materials, they show a video to follow difficult language task, or they invite guest speakers so that students use the new language in an authentic way. Occasionally, though rewards can take over and destroy enjoyment ( Van lier : 1996) In monolingual class teachers reports particular difficulty in persuading students to Speak English. The following ideas have worked in small and large classes:
Role play, with one student taking the role of a foreigner
Native-speaking visitors answer question on specific topics
Pen friends, by mail or E-mail
Group presentations of topics students have researched
Interclass debates
Speech competitions
plays and singing
Although the ultimate goal is to speak English, in classes where students speak different first language, it can help motivation to allow limited use of the first language in class for specific purposes. For example, the first language helps in clarifying a difficult point or planning the organizational part of projects, particularly when the teacher does not speak the languages of all the students. 
An aspect of motivation is dealing with the behavior of particular students. Experienced teachers usually have a scale of responses to off-task behavior, which helps them decide whether to ignore or attend to the problem. 
Teacher also knows that if large numbers of students are failings to attend to the lesson. There could be a problem with the lesson itself. The task may be too difficult, or it may have continued for too long, or the content may be boring. On the other hand, the problem may not be within the class at all. Or even unusual weather can change the mood of a class and signal to the teacher the need for a change of a activity
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statement about learning in general, that it “never takes place in vacuum  is even more true in the language class. When
it comes to creating a classroom climate for language learning. Williams and
Burden point to three levels of influence: national and cultural influences on
the language being learning, the education system where the language is being
learned, and the immediate classroom environment. Influences on the language
being learned are already determined, as is the education system. However,
teachers do influence the classroom environment by motivating unmotivated
students. There are many ways in which students can be off task. They fail to
take part by sitting in silence, they distract other students by talking off
the topic, and they provide “non language” entertainment. All of these call for
the teacher management skills. Even taking into account differences from class
to class, teachers of a range of learners and subjects that they can make a
difference, as the examples that follow show.
language learning, motivation is more specific than in content-based subject.
The history teacher can motivate students to take an interest in the subject,
but the language teacher is looking for more than interest. Language is a
skill, and a skill needs to be apply, not just stored in the head or admired at
this time.
encourage language use trough both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Some
students have strong intrinsic motivation; they know the benefits of learning a
particular language. Others need to be reminded of where success could lead.
For example, in societies where studying literature is an important part of the
education system, teachers emphasize the benefits of being able to read English
poetry, short stories, and novels and the original.
motivation can come through rewards teachers supply interesting additional
reading materials, they show a video to follow difficult language task, or they
invite guest speakers so that students use the new language in an authentic
way. Occasionally, though rewards can take over and destroy enjoyment ( Van
lier : 1996)
monolingual class teachers reports particular difficulty in persuading students
to Speak English. The following ideas have worked in small and large classes:
play, with one student taking the role of a foreigner
visitors answer question on specific topics
friends, by mail or E-mail
presentations of topics students have researched
with plays and singing
the ultimate goal is to speak English, in classes where students speak
different first language, it can help motivation to allow limited use of the
first language in class for specific purposes. For example, the first language
helps in clarifying a difficult point or planning the organizational part of
projects, particularly when the teacher does not speak the languages of all the
aspect of motivation is dealing with the behavior of particular students.
Experienced teachers usually have a scale of responses to off-task behavior,
which helps them decide whether to ignore or attend to the problem.  

also knows that if large numbers of students are failings to attend to the
lesson. There could be a problem with the lesson itself. The task may be too
difficult, or it may have continued for too long, or the content may be boring.
On the other hand, the problem may not be within the class at all. Or even
unusual weather can change the mood of a class and signal to the teacher the
need for a change of a activity

55 respons untuk ‘>Motivating Students in English Language Teaching

  1. >Benar, guru harus kreatif untuk memperbanyak variasi pembelajaran sehingga murid senang dan menumbuhkan rasa ingin tahu yang besar sehingga kebosanan belajar tidak ada lagi!

  2. >extrinsic and Intrinsic motivation..i like this topic and i strongly agreed that teacher should have such motivation when teach their student…see response back from their pupil^_^

  3. >ya memang bener Mr , I pikir bagaimana supaya siswa bisa dan menyukai materi yang di beri,ini adalah penting , seperti hal bahasa inggris banyak siswa tidak suka ,kalau pendidik bisa memberikan dengan cara yang tepat mereka akan suka dan sedikit banyak akan bisa , dalam kalimat "not just stored in the head or admired at this time. " bisa benar karena bagaimana tidak kalau Pendidik habis cara untuk mengirim pengetahuan yang ia miliki untuk siswa,cara melalui permainan yang disukai salah satu cara tepat ,

  4. >Top Komentator Bulan Mei 2010 : 1. munir ardi (353) 2. Hendri (340) 3. Bang Iwan (222) 4. Muhammad Faisal Aziz (139) 5. aming (82) 6. Pecinta Kuliner (79) 7. yayah (67)

  5. >Sangat memotivasi Bang …. jika guru bisa mengemas dg baik insya alah murid2nya makin bersemangat untuk mempelajari B. INggris

  6. >Hi,Mr ArdiI like your article and all the great tips that are mentioned on it, it has really helped out. Thanks for share the information.I hope you can visit my blog and give me suggestion.Thanks again.

  7. >Good command in English both written and spoken is very important. It is necesery to tell all students that English is very useful.So, don't be hesitate to speak English.Nice articleWarm regards

  8. >duuuuuuuh lidahku terkilir mbacanyantar panggil mbah gugel translet dulunb :bang, aku ada nitip barang sama bang iwan.baru dikirim hari senen

  9. >Wah aku setuju Sob……kayanya mesti semakin ditumbuhkan tuh Motivasi berbahasa Inggris….apalagi itu salah satu bahasa Internasional………Luar biasa perjuanganmu Sob…..Sukses slalu tuk pengabdianmu sebagai guru…..Sebelumnya aku minta maaf baru bisa mampir gy….Semangat!!!

  10. >yes yes. sebentar.. saya salin ke translate.mbah gugel he he..nice motivation.. ande saja rumah ane deket.. tiap hari juga mau kursus .. keep spirit 🙂

  11. >harus lebih banyak belajar lagi tentang bahasa inggris dan bahasa yang lain tentunyatapi tetap menjunjung bahasa persatuangreat information and motivationsalam dari pamekasan madura

  12. >pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik , pupuk organik

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