>Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

> Today, technology helps people meet goals that would have been impossible a hundred years ago. But it also presents great challenges, or issues to think about. One challenge is  finding ways to end the harmful effects of technology. Another is how to make sure the same problems won’t happen with new technologies.

Technology has helped people in many different ways. First of all, it allows them to make more things now than they did in the past. For example, 150 years ago, people and animals did most of the work on farms in Indonesia. Today, machines do most of the work on Indonesia  Farms.

Another way technology has helped people is by giving them more time to relax. Because machines can do so much work, people today do not have to work as hard as people in the past. Technology has also made work easier and safer.The technology that helped bring about our modern society began about 200 years ago. At that time, more and more factories were built. These factories began using machines powered by steam. The machines could make things faster and often cheaper than people could make them by hand. This kind of technology affected people’s lives more and more. It has had both helpful and harmful effects on the world

Pollution is one of the most harmful effects of modern technology. Many countries face air, water, soil, and noise pollution. Our technology also uses up many natural resources, such as oil, wood, and coal. Many of these resources cannot be replaced after they are used.

Another problem with technology is that it lets people produce more powerful weapons. Such weapons make the world a more dangerous place

37 respons untuk ‘>Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

  1. >Techno's a tremendously vital part of human's civilization. However, just like a sword, it has 2 contrast sides :advant-disadvant. So, we've 2 use it wisely for d'survival of this earth…

  2. >Untuk kehidupan saat ini tidak bisa tidak kita harus menyesuaikan diri dg teknologi yg ada, dan pasti akan meningkatkan kualitas produksi/output dan memudahkan aktifitas kita, dampak negatifnya kita jadi ketergantungan manakala fasilitas itu gak ada kadang2 kita jadi mengeluh karena sudah jadi kebiasaan, seperti kendaraan, AC, alat2 rumah tangga dllSisi kekurangannya terkadang menghilangkan nilai humanisme dalam berinterkasi, dulu orang harus ketemu langsung sekarang cukup pakai telp sms email dll

  3. >Tehknologi certainly be useful, if developed in accordance with the development of human resources and balanced with the wisdom to apply it.Jujur saya msh menggunakan translate tuk menerjemahkan ini, soalnya msh gagap english pa. Ha ha..

  4. >Memang sgala sesuatu itu ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya termasuk juga tekhnologi. maka oleh karena itu kita lebih baik memanfaatkan sebesar-besarnya kelebihan dari tekhnologi tersebut… 🙂

  5. >User paling punya peranan disini….. klo si pengguna punya pikiran yg positif ya akhirnya jadi positif pula Teknologinya tapi klo si pengguna pikirannya juga udah negatif ya negatif pula Teknologinya…..postingan yg bagus Sob…

  6. >We should manage all science and technology properly otherwise they will inflence our behaviour.For example : internet has lots science and technology aspect in one side and lots of porn in other side which will influence our attitude.Thanks for the useful entry.warm regards

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